Category: "Stories"

October Baptism Stories

Check out their stories!


Despite popular belief, there are Sundays that things go wrong within our church. Days where the foyer is flooded, coffee machines are broken, trash has magically appeared, and technical issues have ensued. Days like these are rarely ever seen or even heard about by the general public because of the efforts of so many incredible leaders. At the top of that list is Rita Kale. Rita shows up early every

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Acts of Love

Sunday we were challenged, by Pastor Jordan to show the love of Christ to our community. Since then, we’ve had dozens of amazing ‘Acts of Love’ stories pouring in and it has been incredible seeing how much God has already done through our people in just a few days. We wanted to share one of those stories with you! On Sunday night, one of our young couples, who wants to

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Last Wednesday was incredible. The pre-party, worship, message and after party, made for a night that we will never forget. We had 175 teenagers flooding the church parking lot and youth room. They got to smash a car, play nerf wars and enjoyed a jousting pit.  We gave our students a challenge that if we got 150 teenagers to the launch party then the ones who brought the most kids

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Genevieve Smith is a recent graduate of HC3 kids, and the daughter of two of our kid’s volunteers; Ryan and Irene Smith. When Genevieve moved up to Pursuit Youth, she chose to come back to HC3 kids as a volunteer on Sunday mornings. Genevieve is not on our schedule yet, since she is such a recent addition to our team, but, Genevieve is so eager to serve that, every Sunday

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Fear cripples many people in their tracks. It holds us back from fully living our lives for God. Listen as Pastor Jordan teaches us, through the life of Elijah, what unaddressed fear can cost us in the long run.


Last Sunday, we had a little boy who was upset about being left in the kid’s area by his parents. He sat by the trash can with his face against the wall, refusing to talk to anyone. During praise and worship, Becca Broome walked over and sat down beside him. She talked to him during both songs, and when worship time was over he got up with her and joined

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Mexico Update

Here are some pictures from the Backpack Distribution in Doreteo Arango held on August 12th.  Pastor Paco held their regular weekly service then ended it by giving each child their backpack filled with school supplies and a bag of hygiene items.  Sixty backpacks were given out in Doreteo.  The scholarship money sent was divided equally among 10 students.  The amount each received was enough for their tuition and uniforms.  Pastor

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Week Three, Day 7: Prayer for God to Move

Third Week: Nation This week spend some time every day praying for our nation, our government, our leaders, our financial stability and every other area but most importantly pray for God to move the heart of America towards himself. I encourage you to pray for all leaders, those you support and those you don’t. Pray that Godly men and woman will be raised up to leadership positions all across the land.

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August Baptism Stories

Check out their stories!